babes in toyland - to mother - twin tone records - TTR 89208 1 - black vinyl
babes in toyland - fontanelle - southern records - 18501-9 - clear red vinyl - poster
bad religion - bad religion - epitaph records - 87010-7 - black vinyl - record store day 2009 re-issue - out of 1000

bad religion - bad religion - epitaph records - 87010-7 - clear red vinyl - record store day 2009 re-issue - out of 605

bad religion - bad religion - epitaph records - 87010-7 - white vinyl - record store day 2009 re-issue - out of 898

bad religion - bad religion - epitaph europe - 7010-7 - red vinyl - record store day 2009 re-issue - european edition - out of 530
bad religion - bad religion - epitaph europe - 7010-7 - pink vinyl - record store day 2009 re-issue - european edition - out of 530
bad religion - bad religion - epitaph records - 87010-7 - marbled grey vinyl - re-issue - second press

bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - EPI-BRLP-1
original issue - 22713 ventura blvd. / suite f / woodland hills, ca. 91364 - no barcode

bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - EPI-BRLP-1
original issue - 22713 ventura blvd. / suite f / woodland hills, ca. 91364 - no barcode - different matrix variation
bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - EPI-BRLP 1
uk press - distributed by suite beat

bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - E-86407-1
1988 re-issue - 6201 sunset blvd. / suite 111 / hollywood, ca. 90028 - barcode

bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - E-86407-1
clear red vinyl - 2009 edition - out of 300
JBGPNOJZ-A S-9417(crossed) L-8201 E86407-A EPI-BRLP-1 S-29233 WHERE THE HELL IS RACINE??
JBGPNOJZ-AA E-86407-AA SOLIDARNǑSČ 8(crossed) S-229234 L-8201*x

bad religion - how could hell be any worse - epitaph records - E-86407-1
black vinyl - 2009 edition
JBGPNOJZ-A S-9417(crossed) L-8201 E86407-A EPI-BRLP-1 S-29233 WHERE THE HELL IS RACINE??
JBGPNOJZ-AA E-86407-AA SOLIDARNǑSČ 8(crossed) S-229234 L-8201*x

bad religion - suffer - epitaph records - E-86404 - black vinyl - burbank, california address on the back cover

bad religion - suffer - epitaph records - E-86404 - sunset blvd, hollywood address on the back cover

bad religion - suffer - epitaph records - E-86404 - orange vinyl - 2009 edition - out of 300

bad religion - no control - epitaph records - E-86406-1 / E 001 - german first edition with bonus 6 track 7"

bad religion - no control - epitaph records - E-86406-1 - green vinyl - 2009 edition - out of 300
bad religion - against the grain - epitaph records - E-86409-1 - no barcode - original issue
bad religion - against the grain - epitaph records - E-86409-1 - yellow vinyl - out of 500

bad religion - against the grain - epitaph records - E-86409-1 - purple vinyl - out of 660

bad religion - generator - epitaph records - E 86416-1 - black vinyl - original issue

bad religion / noam chomsky - new world order: war #1 - maximum rock n roll - MRR 006 - poster sleeve

bad religion - atomic garden - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 158 - one sided black vinyl - b side etched - white labels - a: regular - b: with the S design

bad religion - atomic garden - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 158 - one sided black vinyl - b side etched - white labels - a: regular - b: with the dragon design

bad religion - atomic garden - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 158 - one sided black vinyl - b side etched - pink labels with the S design on both sides

bad religion - atomic garden - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 158 - one sided black vinyl - b side etched - blue labels with the S design on both sides
bad religion - recipe for hate - epitaph records - 86420-1

bad religion - recipe for hate - paradoxx music - OXX-1048-2 - black vinyl - brazilian edition
bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - red labels - a: regular - b: with the S design and a beggar girl

bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - pink labels - a: regular - b: the S design and a beggar girl

bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - green labels - a: regular - b: with the S design and a beggar girl

bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - tan labels - a: regular - b: the S design and a beggar girl
bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - yellow labels - a: regular - b: the S design and a beggar girl
bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - a: yellow regular label - b: white label with the S design

bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - a: yellow regular label - b: white label with the S design and a beggar girl

bad religion - american jesus - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 232 - a: black regular label - b: blue label with the S design and a beggar girl

bad religion - all ages - epitaph records - 86443-1

bad religion - stranger than fiction - atlantic - 82658-1 - clear red vinyl - us 1994 edition - sticker on the wrap

bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - DRA 477343 1 - white vinyl - printed dust sleeve - "limited white vinyl edition" sticker
bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - DRA 477343 1 - black vinyl - printed dust sleeve
bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - DRA 477343 1 - white vinyl - uk '94 tour window sticker
bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - DRA 477343 1 - marbled light grey vinyl - uk '94 tour sticker
bad religion - stranger than fiction - rhino vinyl - R1 82658 - clear red vinyl - us 2009 edition - sticker on the wrap

bad religion - stranger than fiction - rhino vinyl - R1 82658 - clear vinyl - us 2009 edition - sticker on the wrap - out of 500

bad religion - stranger than fiction - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 326 - red regular labels

bad religion - stranger than fiction - sympathy for the record industry - SFTRI 326 - navy blue labels with the S design (without label's name) on both sides

bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - DRA 660671 6 - marbled white vinyl - german edition - sticker on the front

bad religion - stranger than fiction - dragnet / sony music - XPR 2081 - 10" - one sided picture disc - limited edition - 245 of 1000

bad religion - 21st century (digital boy) - dragnet / sony music - DRA 660980 6 - black vinyl - german edition
bad religion - 21st century (digital boy) - dragnet / sony music - DRA 660980 6 - white vinyl - german edition - sticker on the front cover
bad religion - 21st century digital boy - dragnet / sony music - DRA 661143 0 - 10" - one sided picture disc - limited edition - sticker on the pvc sleeve

bad religion - 21st century (digital boy) - dragnet / sony music - XPR 2115 - one sided black vinyl - 2 tracks promo - uk edition - black die-cut sleeve
bad religion - the gray race - atlantic - 82870-1 - marbled grey vinyl - us edition
bad religion - the gray race - dragnet / sony music - 483652 0 / DRAGNET 118 - grey vinyl - 16 tracks - "punk rock song (german language version - bonus track)" - european edition
bad religion - the gray race - dragnet / sony music - 483652 1 / DRAGNET 119 - grey vinyl - 15 tracks - european edition - made in holland

bad religion - punk rock song - atlantic - 7-87079 - marbled grey vinyl

bad religion - punk rock song - dragnet / sony music / columbia - 662867 7 - limited edition picture disc - numbered - 02968
bad religion - punk rock song - dragnet / sony music - DRA 662867 6 - german edition

bad religion - tested - dragnet / sony music - DRA 486986 - 2xLP - black vinyl
bad religion - no substance - atlantic - 83094-1 - black vinyl - stickers on the wrap - us edition
bad religion - no substance - dragnet / sony music - DRA 489570 1 - german edition

bad religion - the new america - atlantic - 83303-1 - black vinyl - sticker on the wrap - us edition
bad religion - the new america - sony music - DRA 498124 1 - german edition - limited edition cover

bad religion - broken - epitaph europe - 1067-7 - black vinyl

bad religion - the process of belief - epitaph records - 86635-1 = black vinyl - us edition

bad religion - the process of belief - epitaph europe - 6635-1 - black vinyl - european edition

bad religion - los angeles is burning - epitaph europe - 1175-7 - limited edition picture disc

bad religion - the empire strikes first - epitaph records - 86694-1 - black vinyl - us edition

bad religion - the empire strikes first - epitaph europe - 6694-1 - black vinyl - european edition
bad religion - new maps of hell - epitaph records - 86863-1 - black vinyl - us edition

bad religion - the dissent of man - epitaph records - 86988-1 - black vinyl - bonus cd - us edition
bad religion - the dissent of man - epitaph records - 86988-1 - clear orange vinyl - bonus cd - us edition - out of 1000
bad religion - the dissent of man - epitaph records - 86988-1 - clear blue vinyl - bonus cd - us edition - out of 2000
bad religion - between heaven and hell (live in koln, rose club 6.7.1990) - subversive rock productions - 007

bagna / life scars - [angry-voice / hasiok records / hitchin' to revolt / koreny baobabu / no pasaran records / scream records / up the punx] - red vinyl - out of 150
balaclava - balaclava - hopewell records

battery - let the past go / we won't fall - lost & found - LF 255 - black vinyl - white label - test press - out of 10
battery - let the past go / we won't fall - lost & found - LF 255 - picture disc

battery - only the diehard remain - lost & found - LF 089 - picture disc

battery / ignite - split - lost & found - LF 122 - clear red vinyl - red printed labels
battery - until the end - conversion records - CR 026

battery - until the end - lost and found - LF 216 - picture disc
battery - whatever it takes - revelation records - REV:65 - black vinyl

battery - whatever it takes - revelation records - REV:65 - pink vinyl - out of 217
the beatles - a hard day's night - emi / pepita (hungary) - SLPXL 17658

betrayed - addiction - bridge nine - B9R 64 - black vinyl - out of 300 - first press

betrayed - addiction - the essence / dead and gone - TE o2 / D&G 23 - black vinyl - euro tour edition - out of 500

betrayed - substance - rivalry records - RVL 021 - white vinyl - out of 1030 - second press

betrayed - suffering - react records - RXR-012 - black vinyl - out of 900
bielizna - taniec lekkich goryli - tonpress - SX-T 166

bielizna - wiara, nadzieja, miłość, inwigilacja - pronit - PLP 0125

big cyc - z partyjnym pozdrowieniem - polskie nagrania - muza - SX 2910

big cyc - nie wierzcie elektrykom - polskie nagrania - muza - SX 3010

birds of a feather - chapter 5 - commitment records - COM 36 - black vinyl - limited gorilla biscuits rip-off cover - 15 of 25

birds of a feather - the past the present - refuse records - REFUSE 050 - with "the past the present 1982-2007: a history of 25 years of european straight edge" book - brown vinyl - white stamped label - 56 of 100 - pre-order

birds of a feather - the past the present - refuse records - REFUSE O50 - with "the past the present 1982-2007: a history of 25 years of european straight edge" book - orange vinyl - out of 122

birthright - out of darkness - goodlife recordings - GL 032 - black vinyl

björk - debut - [one little indian - TPLP31H] - black vinyl - silver labels - 2000 re-issue
black friday '29 - blackout - crucial response - CRR 52 - black vinyl - out of 1039

black ss - foreign objects - reaper records / organized crime records - RR #6 / OCR #12 - red vinyl - out of 660 - first press

the black tapes - the black tapes - antena krzyku / rockers publishing - SIN 999 LP - clear blue vinyl - out of 100

the black tapes - middle class - [pop underground records - PUR 001] - red vinyl - white label - TEST PRESS - out of 7
the black tapes - middle class - [pop underground records - PUR 001] - white vinyl - hand numbered sleeve - out of 100
the black tapes - middle class - [pop underground records - PUR 001] - black vinyl - out of 200
blacklisted / firstblood - dead man's hand 03 - deathwish inc - DWI 38 - marbled purple vinyl - out of 200 - first press

blacklisted / firstblood - dead man's hand 03 - deathwish inc - DWI 38 - marbled light blue vinyl - out of 450 - fist press

blacklisted / firstblood - dead man's hand 03 - deathwish inc - DWI 38 - clear purple vinyl - out of 1300 - first press

blacklisted / firstblood - dead man's hand 03 - deathwish inc - DWI 38 - clear orange vinyl - out of 1800 - first press

blank stare - blank stare - refuse records - REFUSE #39 - black vinyl - first press

blank stare - blank stare - refuse records - REFUSE 053 - clear blue vinyl - pre-order - stamped, hand numbered dust sleeve - 34 of 40

blindfold - world of fools - machination records - MAK 005 - black vinyl - stamped dust sleve

blindfold - restrain the thought - conquer the world records - CTW 004 - black vinyl

blindfold - asteroid 164 - sober mind / good life recordings - ASTEROID 164 LP - black vinyl

blue monday - rewritten - bridge nine - B9R 063 - purple swirl vinyl - out of 650

boom boom kid - ¡okey dokey dok! - ugly europe - picture disc

borderline - unseen - conversion records - CR 003 - black vinyl

boy sets fire - consider - [initial records - IR-20] black vinyl
boysetsfire - suckerpunch training - deathwish inc - DW 02 - marbled blue vinyl - out of 1000

boysetsfire - suckerpunch training - deathwish inc - DW 02 - clear blue vinyl - out of 1000

boysetsfire - suckerpunch training - deathwish inc - DW 02 - clear gold vinyl - out of 1000

boysetsfire / shai hulud - crush em' all - [undecided records - UDR1000] - black vinyl
boysetsfire - live for today - wind-up / equal vision - EVR 079 - marbled red vinyl

brygada kryzys - crisis brigade - fresh records - FRESH LP 13

brygada kryzys - brygada kryzys - tonpress - SX-T 16

brygada kryzys - centrala / the real one - tonpress - S 442

bulbulators - deja vu - noise annoys - NOISE 064 - red vinyl - limited edition - out of 100 - stickers on the wrap

bulbulators - principes mortales punk aeterna - [noise annoys / combat rock - NOISE 070 / CR 077] - 3xLP - all three color variations [red, blue, black] in a sleeve
buried alive - the death of your perfect world - victory records - VR 106 LP - marbled brown vinyl - out of 446 - first press

burn - burn - revelation records - REV:22 - marbled yellow vinyl - record store day 2011 edition
burn - last great sea - revelation records - REV: 108 - marbled blue vinyl - out of 300 - first press

burst / lash out - worlds collide / forsaken not forgotten - impression recordings - IR 701

burst in - 1000 słów - [refuse records - REFUSE 074] - black vinyl - out of 437
by night - a new shape of desperation - lifeforce records - SI 003

1 komentarz:
blindfold - restrain the thought - conquer the world records - CTW 004 - black vinyl
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